Saturday, May 30, 2009


Here's an update:

Tomatoes: Huge, fruiting like mad. Pulled Glory out because it looked sickly. Have been pruning suckers constantly. Can't wait to eat them!
Borage: blooming!
Cilantro: tasty, letting one flower so I can save seeds
Arugula: trying to figure out how to save seeds from my one huge flowering plant that I have left.
Sweet potatoes: planted
Basil: Thriving
Cucumbers: Growing, starting to get big.
Peppers: Some starting to flower
Green beans: flowering like crazy, at least the first batch
Lettuce: Delicious, delicious
Broccoli: Tasty, but the worms are annoying to pick off
Malabar spinach: Still small
Melons: all varieties planted, with Amy and both watermelons sprouted. Minnesota Midget never grew. Crane, Hale's Best, and Banana seeds just planted a couple of days ago.
Squash: Scallop and spaghetti planted and sprouted.
Cabbages: Huge, forming heads.
Carrots: also tasty, harvested all but the tiny ones, getting too hot. I can't believe I finally grew some carrots!

All trees and bushes planted are going strong, including that raspberry bush I was worried about. I am happy Oliver didn't kill them by pulling them up.

I love eating fresh salad greens. LOVE LOVE LOVE it.

I am really anticipating my tomatoes and peppers and can't wait to taste them.

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