Saturday, April 11, 2009

first mow of the year

My husband is out mowing for the first time this year. I remember last year I was so proud when he would go out and mow on Saturdays. It just felt like we were real grownups with a real house, and we actually are.

I have taken a lot of space out of the lawn--we had plenty to spare--for my vegetable garden, so the backyard should be considerably faster now.

I planted more Pink Beauty radishes. Planted them in the Miracle Grow soil just to see if they grow differently/worse there. I am working on ammending that soil with compost and more of the soil I bought locally.

I am glad that I've been trying several varieties of different plants because I learn so much that way and feel like I have a higher chance of success. If all I planted was the Sparkler radishes, for instance, in that one spot, I would be very disappointed in radishes in general.

I am disappointed in carrots. I am getting A FEW carrots in one of my local-soil beds, but the original ones I planted disappeared. I have harvested NO CARROTS yet, although I have planted them several times. I will keep trying, and if all else fails, I will grow some baby ones in an Earthbox next spring.

Tonight is supposed to be cold, so I will have to protect my tomatoes. And then we have only one more cold night forecast--April 23. We'll see. Unless the forecast changes, I won't plant out any more tomatoes or peppers until then.

I put away my grow lights, since I'm just setting my seedlings out every morning and bringing them in at night.

My aluminum plant cutting appears to be developing some roots. I did not buy root powder for it, since that was $5, and young aluminum plants are quite cheap.

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