Monday, April 6, 2009


I somehow missed this funny story about President (then Senator) Obama and arugula from 2007:

Obama talks arugula -- again -- in Iowa

I am so excited about my own arugula. I gave Isaac an arugula sprout this afternoon, and he wanted more. It shouldn't be more than a week or two when we can start eating it. It looks like I planted arugula first on March 10. So it hasn't even been a month since I planted it. I'm very impatient.

The pink beauty and saxa 2 radishes appearto grow a lot faster than my sparkler ones. I would have thought the sparklers would be ready by now. Well, I'm planning on a fresh salad for Easter, so I'll be harvesting some lettuce from my earth box and hopefully radishes from the garden too.

Tuesday night is looking really cold. I hope the newspaper that I plan to cover my tomatoes with works. The forecast is currently showing a low of 33 F.

We got a good rain today, so I'm off the hook watering for a few days at least.

It's funny that I'm doing everything so early this year when last year it was all so late.

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