Tuesday, March 10, 2009


The new beds are in. 6 cubic yards of soil dumped on our driveway and hauled to the backyard by my husband! (Not all of it was for the garden beds.)

I planted more carrots (scarlet nantes, purple haze) and radishes (saxa 2) today, 2 cabbage seedlings (cairo), cabbage, califlower (amazing), and brocolli (packman) seeds, dill (fernleaf), arugula, and watercress.

So far, in the bed I planted earlier, only the radishes have poked up, but I dug up a pea seed last week that had sprouted. I still have hope for the carrots, and I'm doing my best to keep it watered.

My tomato seedlings are doing beautifully! I have most of them in peat pots and my hybrid determinite in its pot. My pepper seedlings are also doing well. Got a tomatillo seedling too. I had trouble germinating those last year.

I planted my self-watering earth box with lettuce, and I am very pleased. It's on the front porch.

I also put three pots with 3 basil plants each out. I can move them in if it gets very cold.

I moved my sage to the backyard where it will get some shade and morning sun but no afternoon sun. I think it will be happier there.

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