Thursday, May 17, 2012


I remember how beautiful and rare I thought honeysuckle was, when I was a girl growing up in West Texas.  When I moved to Virginia, it was one the plants I knew, and I wanted some in my yard.  However, I had trouble finding any to buy.  I also learned that here in Virginia, as well as many other parts of the country, it's not exactly something people seek out.  Rather, it's sort of an invasive weed.

It's beautiful, and it smells heavenly.  I feel a little drunk, actually, everytime I smell it.  Here, our honeysuckly grows huge and vigorous, and it's omnipresent.  In fact, I didn't have to do anything or spend any money to get some honeysuckle of my own.  I didn't even have to take cuttings.  It found me, and is taking over our back fence.  I must say that I don't mind a bit. 

I also don't mind the clovers that grow in our lawn, nor the purple flowers, nor the yellow flowers, nor the pretty tiny white daisies that show themselves each year.  And I love dandilions.  As long as its pretty and not prickly, it's welcome in my lawn.  If the bunnies and squirrels eat it instead of my vegetables, all the better.

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