Sunday, August 31, 2008


I noticed some of the annuals I planted (sunflower, cosmos) have gone ahead and bloomed, even though they didn't reach near their expected height. I guess this is normal.

The beans just keep on producing, which is surprising since they are bush beans. I am thinking they might be getting spent though.

Most of my veggies and flowers are doing well.

On the difficult side of my front flower garden, I dug up the grass today that had crept in and pulled out the dead and dying plants. I have started snapdragons that will go there, as well as in the bed on the other side. The white marigolds seem to be dying off already. It felt very good to pull out all the dead stuff and leave the place looking neat if not a bit bare, and cart it all away in my wheelbarrel. I also clipped off dozens and dozens and dozens of cosmos blooms that were spent.

I enjoy being outdoors and digging and clipping and planting and weeding so much. Makes me glad to be alive.

I've filled the compost bin again. I wonder if it will go down on its own, or if I should turn it again next weekend. It was such good exercise that I might have to. Very satisfying.

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