Warm-Season Vegetables:
- Beans: I grew bush beans, Bean Festina, purchased at Park's Seed. They were so easy to grow and delicious. I plan to grow lots of them again this year and hopefully save some seeds too.
- Tomatoes: I tried growing Tomato Container Choice and Tomato Glory Hydrid. I failed. I did not understand how to harden off seedlings, and I started them way too late.
- Peppers: I grew two Pepper Golden Summer Hybrid plants. (Was available from PS.) They survived my inexperienced hands, and produced four peppers. They would have produced more, but we had a frost. They were tasty, but not that much different from bells in the store.
- Tomatillios: (Toma Verde from PS) My beautiful tomatillo plant was killed in a frost. I started it too late in the season for it to fruit in time.
- Squash: I grew Early Butternut Hybrids from PS. They produced 2 squashes, which were delicious. Again, they needed to start earlier and needed more water and mulch.
- Pumpkins: I grew Little Pumpkaroon (PS) and Howden (PS). I got one or two Pumpkaroons. The Howden didn't fruit--too late and not enough water.
- Gourds: Grew several types. Harvested one small gourd. Gardener error.
Cold Season Vegetables:
- Califlower: Califlower Amazing (PS): failed due to gardener error.
- Cabbage: Cabbage Cairo (PS): failed due to gardener error.
- Carrot: Scarlet Nantes (PS): failed due to gardener error.
- Lettuce: Various from PS. We had one really awesome salad from a red type. The bunnies appeared to eat the rest, sadly.
- Radishes: Organic Radish Sparkler (PS). A few of these did quite well.
- Onions: The onion sets I got from PS did not grow. I think maybe they were planted too deep or didn't have enough fertilizer. OR WATER.
- Basil Large Leaf Italian (also grew in garden for son to munch on)
- Garlic Chives
- Sage
- Peppermint
- Spearmint
These herbs didn't work out, I need to try again:
- Fernleaf Dill (Burpee)
- Lavendar Sancho Panza